Tuning in produces greater results and has much more benefit than zoning out, an interesting study illustrates the point well, “The Level of Effort, Rather than Muscle Exercise Intensity Determines Strength Gain Following A Six-Week Training.”
In the study a group of eighteen young volunteers were assigned into high mental effort (i.e., imagined they were contracting their bicep muscles as hard as possible), low mental effort (i.e., watched entertaining videos and did not pay much attention to the on-going muscle contraction) and no-training control groups (i.e., did not undergo any muscle training). Over the next 6 weeks, the high and low mental effort groups spent the same amount of time doing the identical muscle training (an arm curl motion) with the only difference being the mental effort. The amount of resistance was low intensity (only about 30% of maximal voluntary contraction). What did the researchers find?
To learn more read the entire article here: https://neurohacker.com/your-mental-energy-makes-all-the-difference